Blogs, Websites , and articles have been written about Arizona Musicians but not all of these stories about the "other Arizona" musicians and artistic contributors have been documented. Therefore, my purpose is to highlight stories about these individuals and musical groups who also have contributed to Arizona and made an impact on someone's life--I know they impacted mine.
Phillip A. Hirales aka Felipe Antonio Hirales
At Bisbee, Arizona in 1951, the Bisbee-Douglas Copper Kings baseball team, the minor league affiliate of the Brooklyn Dodgers, was finishing up their season at the Warren Ballpark. Meanwhile, at the Lyric Theatre in uptown (today known as Old Bisbee) Bisbee, movie-goers would have been treated to popular movies like Red Badge of Courage starring Audie Murphy, African Queen with Humphrey Bogart, An American in Paris starring Gene Kelly, and A Streetcar Named Desire starring Marlon Brando. At the Phelps-Dodge Mercantile Store, the company store, you could buy groceries, clothes for all the family while shopping for your furniture and other appliances which could be delivered to your house. And in 1951, the Lavender Pit had not happened yet as evidenced by houses still in Lowell, and still awaiting removal of these to a new part of Bisbee that was to be named Saginaw. (Some of this information I credit my older brother Al who was just returning from the Korean War, and who provides a window into the past that needs to be documented)
Following the steps of Mr. Reppe, Bisbee High School band teacher, named in a previous blog, Mr. James Woodmansee now becomes the new Bisbee High School Band Teacher in 1951. As stated earlier, Mr. Quill, my first band and music teacher taught and provided me with the basic music foundation that allowed me to perform at a relative young age, but Mr. Woodmansee taught, directed and advised me to become involved in other musical experiences leading to many opportunities with many wonderful and talented people, many of whom I hope to write about in upcoming "A Trumpet Plays Over Arizona" blogs.
As a musician, and because of my infatuation with all types of history, I have developed perspectives and opinions on many aspects of music, and therefore, I try to be as accurate as I can while at the same time interjecting what I believe to be important for historians and others wanting to know. In some of my blogs, I may comment on the "classical thread" of music that I came to hear and experience whether it was performed at NAU or by three gentlemen on the porch of one of the old houses at the end of OK street in Bisbee many years ago. I hope to talk about these experiences in a later blog.
With James Woodmansee at the helm of the Bisbee High School Band in 1951, "Woody", as his band students nicknamed him, continued the musical tradition performing at many events, but also bringing a new style and flair which made the band one of the premier high school bands in Southern Arizona during his tenure. In the 1951-52 school year, the Band performed at football games, the Arizona State Fair, Tombstone Helldorado, and the Douglas Rodeo in addition to other musical celebrations.

"Mr. Woodmansee instituted a number of innovations, including a succession of effective and original skits using the "magic drum" in half-time performances at home football games." according to the Cuprite yearbook (thanks to Snoody Boroweic, Bisbee High School Alumni)
The October election resulted in the choice of the following Band officers:
Beverly Buford, president; Kay Reppe, social manager; Blanche Baker (Fingerson) student director at that time.
When Mr. Reppe, band director passed away, before hiring Woodie, Blanche was in charge and directed the BHS Band and did an outstanding job.
--Assistant Director, tympani and drums, promoter, organizer, leader and all round outstanding band member. Directed Band at football games, basketball games, part of Spring Concert, Summer vacation parades and various other occasions during the year. Loyalty and enthusiasm of the highest order. A very successful year largely due to her efforts.
One in a million. (Bisbee High School Cuprite Annual)
Later in life, Blanche Baker would become Blanche Fingerson, and she and her husband
Don Fingerson would own and operate the Warren Drugstore, an icon, for many years in the Bisbee area.
With a new band director there are always initiatives, and with Woody, there was another new program that he started at this time---Bisbee High School Band Hall of Fame. In his mind, he felt that the Band Hall of Fame would be an way of honoring those students who excelled in the Band program, As I went through the list of honorees, I found that there were two themes that were common to all of them---Attitude and making sure the job was done right---which are important lessons for anyone striving to reach the next level in anything. These are attributes that are not very prevalent in today's world.
In addition to Blanche Baker (Fingerson), there are several Bisbee High School Band Hall of Fame honorees that will be identified in this blog, and in my subsequent blog sometime next month.
Solo trombone and President. Always there to help plan for the Band. Always there to help with the work, regardless of how much or how unpleasant. Sound judgement, conscientious, a very pleasing personality, industrious, unselfish. Thanks for everything.
Bisbee High School Cuprite yearbook
Majorette, Twirler---Band, St. Council, Office Staff, Senior Carnival Queen, Class Officer
"Corky" played 3rd base on Copper Queen's fast pitch softball team
Drum major and Sousaphone Player
He did his share and he did so much more. A perfect attitude, a wonderful personality and a hard worker. A leader through respect and admiration. Once in a while such a boy exists.
We were fortunate to have him.
Bisbee High School Cuprite yearbook
A final note to readers of this blog. By 1954, Bisbee High School had replaced the uniforms as seen earlier in 1951 with a completely different style uniform with a brighter and lighter color scheme. In the next blog, we will look at some more memorable performances by the Bisbee High School Band during this time period as directed by Mr. James Woodmansee "Woody".
And again, if anyone wishes to provide some input on this topic that you would like to share with everyone for the benefit of the order, please email me at hiralesp@gmail.com.
And as my favorite piano tuner said, Stay in Tune,
Phillip A. Hirales aka Felipe A. Hirales
"A Trumpet Plays Over Arizona"
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