For some time, I have had this desire to write a blog that would provide an understanding and insight into times gone by and forgotten, of talented individuals who are no longer with us, and for memorable moments that should be shared with those that want to know. Many of these thoughts will focus on music and culture, and it also will include education and family, and how life in our part of the world, and specifically, our border region, was played out and things came to be. Some of these thoughts may be in Spanish, because that's the way it was, and that's the way it is. And the important part of all of this, is that future generations should know about their roots, and take the beautiful part of their culture and use it to become better and more productive citizens of our great country.
I was blessed to have parents who nourished me from a young age, and principally my mother who always had this idea that I should be a Mister, and I did become what her dream had been, and later in life, I did become a Mister because that's how kids in school would talk to me, "Hey Mister,
mister." Somehow, she felt that I should study music, and, at the time, I was not very keen on the idea, not when you are a fifth grader. But, I began to study music, and as I look back on those music teachers who taught me and showed me all the basics, I now understand what they were trying to accomplish with me, and with that, I will leave it for another blog day. So, as my journey began on this musical path that I took, and in many instances, the path was laid out for me, I met so many amazing people with musical talent. Many of these individuals who impacted my life in some manner should be remembered for their uniqueness, their character, their passion for life through music and many more virtues and lessons that I learned from each and everyone, and, this is one of the primary reasons for this blog. In addition, the involvement with musical ensembles and events has given me a better grasp of life, and thus, these I will share with people as well. (I also encourage anyone with more information on anything or anyone I have written on to contact me so I can make the necessary corrections)
Lino Reyes
So I must begin with one of the most passionate musicians that I ever was associated with, and that was my dear friend, Lino Reyes. Lino passed away several years ago, and to this day, I still can feel that enthusiasm and drive he had for performing music when I see any of his band pictures or just listen someone play the guitar the way that Lino played it. Lino was really a Bisbee musician, born in Bisbee, grew up in Bisbee, worked in Bisbee, performed in Bisbee, and died several years ago here in Bisbee. Lino learned music from his father when he was very young, and I believe, he learned music basics on the violin but later picked up the guitar. Lino was a WWII vet, and upon completion of his service time, he began to play the guitar with several musical groups or combos, and played a lot in the TinTown section of Bisbee where they celebrated La Fiesta Del Dieciseis de Septiembre--16th of September--Mexican Independance Day. Sometime later Lino became part of a group called Los Bisbenios which was very popular in Bisbee in the early 50's. (attached photos courtesy of Ruben Quiroz)
(L. to R. Unknown, Manuel Rivera, Frank Ayala, Lino Reyes, Ernesto Chavez)
(L to R Frank Ayala, Lino Reyes, Manuel Rivera, Ernesto Chavez)
In two of these pictures, Los Bisbenos were playing at some event at one of the most popular nightclubs in Naco, Sonora, MX at the time--El Monterrey.
We will provide more music and entertainment from El Monterrey for a later blog issue but for the Bisbee/Naco communities at that time, it was an entirely different scenario. For those involved in some form of musicology, you will note that, in one of the pictures, Los Bisbenos were using the Guitarron and the Vihuela which are instruments basic to the mariachi ensembles.
Lino would later form a group called Lino's Combo in the 50's which was a very popular dance band and at that time, dances and especially, were a common community event. I say community event because in Bisbee there was always at least one or two or more weddings every week so people would always ask, Are you going to the wedding or the dance?
I first saw Lino performing at the Gay 90's Bar in Naco, Arizona while playing for a wedding. Our band was playing at the Papagayo Club up the street from the Gay 90's and during one of our breaks, we went over to see Lino's Combo. One of the members of that group at that time was another well-known musician, Pete Acuna who played with Lino, and both of them played a lot in Tombstone or that is what I call the Tombstone Connection which I will leave for another day. I can still remember the song Lino's Combo was playing when I first heard them--"Cherry Pie".
Several years later, Lino would become part of the group that I played in and he continued to play his music and his guitar with me and other friends, and even until his last days, he was the same guy who enjoyed life, and his music. In later blogs, I hope to provide more pictures of Lino in some of the musical groups I played with.
Summary in Spanish
Hace tiempo que he deseado escribir y documentar los tiempos pasados en que yo pase con companeros y maestros de musica que me ensenaron tocar y de ellos yo comence mi carerra de musica especialmente de maestro. Muchos de estas personas ya no estan con nosotros y quiero reconocerlos porque ellos deben de tener un reconocimiento par su labor y contribucion a la musica en Arizona y Sonora porque reconocimos que esta area es la frontera y en que en tiempos pasados hubo mucha musica. Primeramente les doy gracias a mis padres porque ellos querian que you fuera un Senor de respeto en la vida, y la educacion seria la manera en que lo hiba lograr. Y haci fue, Gracias a Dios y a ellos.
Entonces, comienco con el Senor Lino Reyes--mi querido amigo y companero de musica con su abilidad de tocar la guitar y con quien yo tube la dicha de haber trabajado con el en conjuntos musicales principalmente en Arizona. Lino era veteran de la Segunda Guera Mundial WWII, y despues trabajo en Bisbee, Arizona con la compania PD pero su amor de musica comenzo el grupo popular en los 50's en Bisbee, AZ nombrados Los Bisbenos. Ellos tocaron en Bisbee y Naco, AZ y tambien en Naco, Sonora en esos tiempos. Despues Lino comenzo otro conjuento nombrado Lino's Combo en Bisbee tocando para bodas y fiestas en Bisbee y Tombstone trabajando con un Senor muy conocido por tocar el piano y saxophone y clarinet y este Senor era Pete Acuna. Entonces la primera vez que olli a Lino's Combo era en una boda en el salon en Naco, Arizona llamado Gay 90's. Anos despues, Lino comenzo a tocar en un conjuento donde you tocaba llamados Los Continentales de Bisbee, y ademas tambien Lino tocaba con el grupo musical que le tocaban a la Virgen de Guadalupe en su dia cada ano el 12 de Septiembre. Como este es mi primer Blog, you tenia que hablar de Lino porque era un musico que amaba su arte y tocar la guitar para el publico. Despues voy a platicar mas de mi companeroLino.
I was a friend of Lino's and really miss him, he often talked about the early days and playing at the Crystal Palace and other spots all over Southern AZ. and NM. He's probably up in heaven with a guitar in his hand. Mike B